Sunday, November 7, 2010

Santosh Desai–Managing Director & CEO, Future Brands Ltd

Santosh Desai–Managing Director & CEO, Future Brands Ltd

Santosh is the Managing Director and CEO of Future Brands Ltd. Future Brands is a branding services company that creates and manages a portfolio of brands and offers consulting services in the brand and consumer space. Before taking up this assignment, he was the President of McCann-Erickson, one of India’s premier advertising agencies. A post graduate from IIMA, his interest lies in studying the relationship between culture and brands.

A review of his bestselling book, Mother Pious Lady- Making Sense of Everyday India, by Outlook magazine calls Santosh Desai, “the nearest thing we have to R K Laxman in prose”. His work as a social commentator and a media critic has also documented in his role as a weekly columnist with Times of India, and columns in Mint, Media International & Tehelka.

He is a member of the Advisory Council on Communication (ACSAC) of the UID programme as also a member NACO sub-committee on communications and a trustee at the Centre for Media Advocacy. He is on the boards of ING Vysya Bank, Mumbai Business School and Future Consumer Products limited and on the Governing Councils of Mudra Institute of Communication, Ahmedabad & Praxis Business School, Kolkata.

He has addressed several national and international seminars and has served as a Jury Member for the 56th National Film Awards.

Posted By Indranil Das

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